Healing using Crystals - The Benefits

Crystals and their many properties for healing

Gemstones and their ever-awesome properties! Did you know that Rose Quartz is the stone of love? It has mental health and wellbeing properties too. Here are some tips for how it works:

💎 If you keep some close to you, it can attract love of all kinds.

💎 It emits strong vibrations of unconditional love.

💎 Emotional healing is encouraged by rose quartz.

💎 It replaces toxic emotions that clog the heart chakra.

💎 It has been known to release negativity that blocks love.

💎 Many say that it helps you restore trust.

💎 Rose quartz assists in the moving on from heartbreaks and hardships.

Try placing some close to you on on your person and visualising a whole new mindset.

#RoseQuartz #CrystalHealing


Did you know that Amethyst is one of the most healing stones?

Here's some of the #crystalpower this beautiful stone brings:

💎 Wards off negative energies
💎 Boosts production of hormones
💎 Tunes the endocrine system and metabolism.
💎 Strengthens and cleanses the immune system and blood.
💎 Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress.

Why not try a piece under your pillow at night? Or have it with you when you meditate.

If you don't have any, our shop will reopen on the 15th of June - and you can come in and feel the stones and pick one to purchase and take home :)

#ProtectiveEnergy #Amethyst


The next stone to really nurture and empower is Jasper.

It works to empower your spirit and offers great support through stressful times by preparing you to fully “show up” in your life!

It is claimed that it offers protection from and absorbs negative vibrations whilst promoting courage, speedy thinking, and building confidence.

These are traits that are extra helpful when tackling important issues — which is exactly what this stone could be good for.

Try placing it in your room or next to you when planning your next steps with an important measure.

#RedJasper #PowerofJasper

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