'Me' Time

What does your ‘me’ time look like?

Now – let’s agree something right from the start: ‘me’ time is NOT selfish, self-indulgent, anti-social or an excuse to get out of doing real life. However, it is pretty vital to maintaining positive mental health over any extended period of time. If you’re an introvert then time in your own company is essential to enable you to gather up the energy to interact fully with the world – both work and leisure. If you’re an extrovert, then a bit of time out is really important to centre yourself and check in with your own inner self. All those in-between? well, a bit of focus on you will always do you good.

So, what does good quality ‘me’ time look like? That’s a tricky one, because it needs to be whatever you value, appreciate and enjoy. It might be doing the ironing with your favourite music/telly on (no judgement here!) it might be half an hour in a coffee shop with a latte, piece of cake and a good book/magazine, it might be a walk out in the fresh air, or an hour at the shops looking at what you want to look at. It could be a session at the hairdressers, a manicure, a massage or a hypnotherapy session…it really doesn’t matter as long as its just for you.

Enjoying your own company is a really important skill to develop. It keeps you independent and enables you to know and understand your own mind. This, in turn, keeps you safe – safe from people who might want to dominate you, isolate you, or just stop you from living your best life. Trusting yourself to make good decisions, being confident enough to be able to say no or yes on your own terms is really freeing. Can you find a couple of sessions each week, just for you?

If you need some help in understanding your own feelings, in liking yourself or to regain your confidence then consider talking to a trusted friend or seek out coaching or hypnotherapy. You’re only here once – you deserve to feel good about yourself!


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