Hypnotherapy FAQ’s


 Is hypnosis safe and natural?

Hypnosis is actually a completely natural process of moving the brain between the ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ wavelength states and you currently go through the specific state twice a day – once when you wake up and once when you fall asleep….for example, sometimes at the weekends if you have a long lie in and you enjoy a really comfortable doze where the time just seems to slip by, you may have actually been in a form of hypnotic state.

Will I be able to wake up...? 

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a safe controlled process and not the stage shows you see on youTube or elsewhere. All therapeutic hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so really all the therapist does is to enable you achieve the results you want for yourself. We act as guides and facilitators so you will never do anything against your will and will always be able to return to normality.

A friend said I had to try Hypnotherapy – will it work for me for definite…?

Hypnotherapy will only work if you want it to and are prepared to commit to all of the exercises we will carry out in the therapy room as well as any additional work I may ask you to carry out between sessions. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so if you are not committed and only attending to keep someone else happy you may find spending your money on something else more useful!

Will I be asleep during hypnosis?

So an important point is that you will be awake in the process, even though your eyes may be closed the whole time – but you will be incredibly relaxed and in a trance state where your self conscious can be accessed to help re-programme any negative thoughts or previous memories or events….

Will you make me cluck like a chicken?

The most important point is that you stay in control in the whole process – I cannot force you to do anything that goes against your morals, ethics or beliefs and if you have seen stage illusionists do that, it’s because people are prepared to join in that sort of performance. What they do and what we do here will be totally different – so if you are wondering whether u might end up meowing like a cat or something, then you can sure you will not…!!

Why do hypnotherapists need to hypnotise me?

Getting you into a calm state allows me to be able to make suggestions to your inner subconscious to allow you to make changes in the areas we discussed earlier and you will even be able to practice some of these techniques on your own – so you really are in control and my role is simply to help you to be able to help yourself in the areas we previously discussed. The process of creating the hypnotic state allows the hypnotherapist to have the maximum impact for you - after all, the state itself is completely natural and you go through a similar process every day when waking up or going to sleep

Will I be able to wake up?

You are in control during the whole session and if you can accept any instruction from me then you will be able to be able to wake up….in fact, you may cough, move scratch your nose if it gets itchy – whatever you want – nothing will stop you moving even in a state of deep hypnosis

Will you be able to cure me?

To be clear hypnotherapy helps alleviate some of the difficulties or symptoms you are experiencing – we are not trying to cure a medical condition and neither of us should have that expectation – but it does work to help with therapeutic change and that’s what we are aiming for today – for example it has a positive link with reduction of IBS symptoms and smoking cessation, however, whilst we may be able to alleviate some medical issues around pain (say), this is not an alternative cure. It’s much more about helping you deal with the symptoms and making you much more comfortable with your current challenges. The extent to which you are able to make changes may also not be apparent at first as it takes a while for the work we do here to take effect – some people take a long time to notice differences, others notice change more quickly, as you control the process it’s really about your intentions…..Medical advice should always be sough for medical conditions.

We are based at Ponteland, or near the Metrocentre, or Hexham but always online - Why not contact us now for a free consultation and to see how we can help you....click here for more details or call 07770 811352.

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