Hypnotherapy and anger

Occasionally we all feel angry. Whether it's a result of feeling frustrated or hurt, of being ignored, insulted, deceived or even under attack, it’s a natural reaction that generally passes quickly. However, anger can become a real problem when it happens too frequently, too intensely, or for long periods of time and if this occurs it can have a dramatic impact on relationships, careers, health and lives. 

Anger triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response that occurs when we are stressed or threatened. Adrenaline is pumped around the body, so we become focused, energetic, and alert and have the strength needed to fight or defend ourselves.  In most situations though these actions aren’t appropriate so expressing anger becomes difficult.

This can lead to anger being ‘bottled up’, causing angry outbursts at inappropriate times or more aggressive behaviour. Anger can show itself in many ways including:

·      tense muscles

·      shaking

·      feeling hot

·      tight feeling in the chest

·      headaches

·      dizziness

·      being unable to relax

·      irritability

·      feelings of guilt

Anger issues can often be traced back to past experiences that have shaped behaviour and beliefs but, whatever the cause, it can be a difficult thing to live with. It can feel exhausting and take its toll on both mental and physical health.

Hypnotherapy can help deal with anger issues by boosting feelings of confidence and self-belief and reducing feelings of fear and intense worry. It can also help to develop the calm state of mind needed to overcome the emotions that often come with anger.

We are based at Ponteland, or near the Metrocentre, or Hexham but always online - Why not contact us now for a free consultation and to see how we can help you....click here for more details or call 07770 811352.
