Uses for Hypnotherapy (etc version).png

Uses for Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a safe, gentle, natural and relaxing technique that can help you make significant changes to your life by enabling your subconscious mind to consider and change deep-rooted negative beliefs and habits.

Whether you lack self-confidence or self-belief, are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, have a fear or phobia or simply lack direction, we can help you make positive changes to your life so you realise your true potential, both personally and professionally.

Although the mind is very powerful, everyone is susceptible to suggestion to some degree! Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to encourage the conscious part of the mind into a relaxed state so the subconscious part becomes more open and receptive to suggestion. Everything you have ever learned is stored in your subconscious so, by tapping into this, your therapist can work on re-programming patterns of behaviour to help overcome irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts or suppressed emotions.

Despite what you might have seen, hypnotherapy is not at all dramatic! It’s a collaborative process where change happens because you want it to and because you are prepared to take the steps that allow it to happen. You won’t be unconscious, asleep or out of control and you’ll be completely aware of what you are doing, Your therapist will guide you into a relaxed, focused state and then ask you to think about different experiences and situations. They will then use suggestion and visualisation techniques to your subconscious to help you make positive change or resolve emotional issues - your therapist will make suggestions but you’ll decide for yourself whether or not to act on them!



During your initial free telephone consultation there will be a conversation around what want to achieve from the sessions. Once your goals have been clarified, we will get more of an idea about who you are as person by asking you questions around sleeping patterns, medical symptoms, medication or treatments involving other healthcare providers and your lifestyle. We will also go through how the hypnotherapy process will work and practical details such as the costs, any cancellation policy and how many sessions might be needed.

We will send you forms to sign and any further information to complete.

After your initial consultation, your sessions can begin. We work differently to suit the needs of the person and the issue we are going to be working on, but a session structure could go something like this:

  • An initial chat where you can ask any questions and get comfortable.

  • We lead you into a calmer and more receptive state of deep physical and mental relaxation.

  • Once you are sufficiently relaxed, we use the agreed methods to make statements and ask questions that are designed to guide you towards your goals.

  • Once this is complete, we bring you back to complete wakefulness.

  • Time for any questions you may have, a summary of the session and progress made so far.

  • Agreement for any specific tasks to be carried out between sessions

At all stages you are part of the process, we are not 'doing it to you' - rather we are working 'with' you to help you help yourself.



How much is a hypnotherapy session?
The initial consultation is free of charge and gives us the chance to find out more about you, the issues you are experiencing and how we might be able to help you. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions, decide if you think hypnotherapy is right for you and whether you feel comfortable with your therapist.

Go to our Fees and Terms and Conditions for more information

How long is a session? Each session lasts between 45 and 90 minutes but the first session will be longer to go through the initial set-up.

How many sessions are needed?
The number of sessions required to achieve your goals varies from person-to-person. Each person and issue is unique so we work by creating a plan tailored to your specific needs, goals and targets so you get to where you want to be. We will let you know at the beginning and will aim to stick to the original estimate as long as fresh issues or challenges/needs do not appear or escalate.

We are based in Jesmond and Hexham and available online wherever you are..!

Why not contact us now for a free consultation and to see how we can help here for more details or call 07770 811352.
