Hypnotherapy and Depression


Hypnotherapy and Depression

Depression is a low mood that lasts for a long time, and can affect everyday life. It is sometimes linked with anxiety but although they often go hand in hand, they are really not the same. Many people experience anxiety when they have to deal with a stressful situation (although severe anxiety disorders can have a huge effect on day-to-day life) but depression is a psychological disorder.  There is no single cause for it and it can occur for a variety of reasons.

There are many different triggers for depression for example an 
upsetting or stressful life event such as divorce, illness, redundancy and job or money worries. Some of the noticeable symptoms of depression include:

  • A sense of hopelessness and sadness about the future.

  • Feeling listless and not believing that anything good will happen.

  • The certainty of future negative thoughts and emotions

Depression can affect people of any age and they can experience a wide variety of emotions including low mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration.

Hypnotherapy can help deal with depression by helping to reduce or better control feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness. It can also be used to treat the negative behaviors that could be worsening the depression such as smoking and poor eating and sleeping habits.

We are based at Ponteland, or near the Metrocentre, or Hexham but always online - Why not contact us now for a free consultation and to see how we can help you....click here for more details or call 07770 811352.
