Hypnotherapy and Grief

Grief and Loss

Grief describes the thoughts and feelings we experience when we lose something or someone we love and value. This could include the loss of a loved one, illness, redundancy, children leaving home, divorce, moving home, retirement or the loss of pets. The more central the thing we have lost is to our lives, the greater is the sense of loss and grief.  

Whatever the loss, people go through the grief process differently. There are five established stages but people don't necessarily go through all the stages or can go through them in a different order. The stages are:


·      Denial and isolation

·      Anger

·      Bargaining

·      Depression

·      Acceptance

Grief can bring a range of emotions - sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, appreciation, loneliness and denial – but they are eventually replaced by acceptance and the emptiness of loss.

Grief is a natural and healthy emotional response to the loss of someone we love or something we value. It can be a difficult thing to live with, can feel exhausting and take its toll on both mental and physical health.

Hypnotherapy can help deal with grief by boosting feelings of confidence and self-belief and reducing feelings of fear and intense worry. It can also help to develop the calm state of mind needed to overcome the emotions that often come with grief.

We are based at Ponteland, or near the Metrocentre, or Hexham but always online - Why not contact us now for a free consultation and to see how we can help you....click here for more details or call 07770 811352.
